
6) Listed in More OTAs

Finally, it is vital to get listed on as many OTAs as possible. Sites like TripAdvisor, Airbnb, and others offer tour operators the opportunity to showcase their packages to millions of potential clients. Ensuring that the tour operator is listed on all the relevant OTAs can build visibility, leading to more sales opportunities.

5) Improve Your Conversion Rate

Conversion rates refer to the number of visitors who end up buying a tour package. If the conversion rate is low, the tour operator needs to explore ways of increasing it. Investing in a better user interface on the website, robust chatbots, and ensuring that the tour packages are appealing can help improve the rates and lead to higher sales.

4) Invest in SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial in ensuring that websites and social media accounts rank high on search engines. Investing in SEO can lead to more organic traffic coming to the tour operator’s website, which may lead to further sales. A well-crafted SEO strategy can also help build brand awareness, which is critical in the tour operator industry.

Separate from a marketing engagement. Your marketing team should include SEO as part of it’s strategy, but your entire customer acquisition plan should not be based on SEO alone. If it is, it may be time to…

3) Work with a Different Marketing Company

Marketing is an essential aspect of any business, and tour operators are no exception. Working with a different marketing company in 2024 can help increase visibility and build brand awareness, leading to more leads and ultimately sales. While it may seem expensive initially, working with the right marketing company can offer exceptional ROI.

2) Hire More Help

Tour operators often get overwhelmed, leading to a decline in the quality of service offered. Hiring more help can ensure that the operator caters to its clients fully, building positive reviews, and paving the way forward for future sales. An expanded team can also mean more creative ideas being thrown around, leading to better offerings.

1) Focus on Corporate Groups

While individual tourists are essential, focusing on the corporate world can lead to significant revenues for tour operators. Corporate customers seek different packages and deals compared to individuals, and tour operators can capitalize on this. By focusing on providing corporate packages, tour operators can increase their sales and build long-term relationships with clients.

In the coming year, tour operators must explore ways to increase their leads and sales in a predictable way. Whether it is catering to corporate groups, hiring more help, investing in SEO, working with a different marketing company, improving conversion rates, or getting listed on more OTAs, tour operators must take bold steps to grow their businesses.

It may be challenging initially, but a well-executed growth strategy can lead to long-term success in the industry.

Register now for the next Town Hall

If you couldn’t make our Town Hall, never fear: we’ll be back. Learn how to win more corporate groups in our 60-minute, interactive Zoom meetings. You will meet other tour operators, discover new business ideas, and learn how to grow corporate tour revenue.


This year we will continue to explore new strategies to grow your corporate and private tour business.

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